You signed in with another tab or window. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, etc.) This command can be run multiple times to inject the files. Minimum height of the packaged application, defaults to 0. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, etc.) For Linux Users: Do not put spaces if you define the app name yourself with --name, as this will cause problems (tested on Ubuntu 14.04) when pinning a packaged app to the launcher. Nativefier 是一个命令行工具,仅仅通过一行代码就可以轻松地为任何的网站创建桌面应用程序,应用程序通过 Electron 打包成系统可执行文件(如.app, .exe 等),可以运行在 Windows,Mac 和 Linux 系统上。 (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier … Current versions: License: MIT /api/formula/nativefier.json (JSON API). If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. It has the following structure: If you want to trigger key events which include a modifier (Ctrl, Shift,...), you need to keyDown the modifier key first, then keyDown the actual key including the modifier key as modifier property and then keyUp both keys again. Contribute to jiahaog/nativefier development by creating an account on GitHub. You can also clone the repository and build the image yourself. [disable-old-build-warning-yesiknowitisinsecure], PR #744 - Support packaging nativefier applications into Squirrel-based installers,,,,, Electron's BrowserWindow API Documentation, It took me a while to figure out how to do that and question why a .icns file was not simply provided in the downloaded archive. Wiki.js支持用户登录,可以让用户在本地注册或直接使用Microsoft,Google,GitHub等账户无缝登录体验,并选择限制对特定用户或甚至部分内容的Wiki访问。还可以定时远程备份数据到Git远程仓库。 简而言之,Wiki.js具有以下功能特性: Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, … for use on Windows, OSX and Linux. By default, Nativefier uses a preset user agent string for your OS and masquerades as a regular Google Chrome browser, so that sites like WhatsApp Web will not say that the current browser is unsupported. If you have the optional dependencies iconutil, Imagemagick convert, and Imagemagick identify in your PATH, Nativefier will automatically convert the .png to a .icns for you. Default: false. However, there are legitimate use cases to disable such a warning. The processor architecture to target when building. a JSON string of key/value pairs to be set as environment variables before any browser windows are opened. I did this because I was tired of having to ⌘-tab or alt-tab to my browser and then search I'm honestly mystified how it fails to build in a clean environment for you but not for me. Nativefier is a command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. Nativefier is also usable from Docker. Y location of the packaged application window. If you don’t want to install the Node package, you can choose to run the application as a … 詳しい解説記事は Qiita 上にあがっていますのでそちらをご覧ください。 ### Nativefier の導入 Node.js が導入できたら、npm を使ってインストールしましょう。 ```console $ npm install -g nativefier ... $ nativefier … Nativefier: 9.0.4 (installed via HomeBrew) OS: Mac OSX Mojave 10.14.6 By default the version property in the package.json is used but it can be overridden with this argument. This will create a Google Voice "native" app on your computer - for use on Windows, macOS and Linux. Make any web page a desktop application a Gmail nativefier … a Gmail nativefier app to a writable local ~/nativefier-apps. By default, the command nativefier --help will be executed. Check your version with nativefier -v, should output as. Set the user agent to run the created app with. Specifies if the destination directory should be not overwritten, defaults to false. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, … Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. ms-office-online-nativefier Description: Microsoft Office Online is an Office suite that is offered as a free web application and is part of the Microsoft Office family. Register global shortcuts which will trigger input events like key presses or pointer events in the application. Automatically retrieval of app icon / name. Wrap web apps natively. Gmail). /* but any buttons inside the header shouldn't be draggable */, /* perhaps move some items out of way for the traffic light */, // Key is passed as first argument to globalShortcut.register, // The input events exactly match the event config in Electron for contents.sendInputEvent(event), // Available event types: mouseDown, mouseUp, mouseEnter, mouseLeave, contextMenu, mouseWheel, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp or char, // Further config depends on your event type. Contribute to jiahaog/nativefier development by creating an account on GitHub. Regular expression of URLs to consider "internal"; all other URLs will be opened in an external browser. Whatsapp Web (HN thread). If neither are provided, the version of Electron will be used. No idea what this means? (macOS only) When the counter increases, the dock icon will bounce for one second. See the example for MediaPreviousTrack below! Download the bundle jiahaog-nativefier_-_2018-06-23_05-05-51.bundle and run: git clone jiahaog-nativefier_-_2018-06-23_05-05-51.bundle -b master Make any web page a desktop application Nativefier… Nativefier is also usable from Docker. 2016年 10月3日 10時50分 4年前 Webページをデスクトップアプリ化するソフト「nativefier」の紹介です。 「頻繁に利用するWebサービスをデスクトップ・アプリとして使いたい」 そのようなことを考 … 网页打包桌面APP——nativefier 近期因为经常在电脑端听咪咕音乐,但是由于咪咕没有pc客户端,所以就得不停的打开网页,要不然就是收藏,要不然就得从历史记录中找,反正都是十分的不方便。 但是我 … Maximum width of the packaged application, default is no limit. 詳しい解説記事は Qiita 上にあがっていますのでそちらをご覧ください。 ### Nativefier の導入 Node.js が導入できたら、npm を使ってインストールしましょう。 ```console $ npm install -g nativefier ... $ nativefier -v 42.0.2 ``` ## デスクトップアプリ化 使い方は以下の通りです。 Proxy rules. Make any web page a desktop application. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. License: MIT /api/formula/nativefier.json (JSON API). To retrieve the .icns file from the downloaded file, extract it first and press File > Get Info. Consider injecting a custom CSS (via --inject) for better integration. (macOS only) Specifies to quit the app after closing all windows, defaults to false. Speaker: Jia Hao Nativefier is an open source Node.js command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. 1 talking about this. The name of the application, which will affect strings in titles and the icon. Nativefier features: Then, install Nativefier globally with npm install -g nativefier, To create a native desktop app for, Both fields are required if one is set. Tried different URLs with same result. iConvertIcons can be used to convert .pngs, though it can be quite cumbersome. 这样就能生成自定义图标的客户端软件了。 打开之后,登录,我们就拥有了一个 GitHub 客户端了,界面和网页一模一样,但是已经摆脱了混杂选项卡的干扰,示意如下: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier. Under those circumstances, it is reasonable to disable this warning that you definitely don't want end-users to see. - That's it. for use on Windows, macOS and Linux. for use on Windows, macOS and Linux. Nativefier is also usable from Docker. Prevents application from being run multiple times. Minimum width of the packaged application, defaults to 0. node的安装目录下的node_global文件夹下. jiahaog/nativefier. Apps are wrapped by Electron It really ticks all the boxes for me and if there's anything that I don't like, there's a preference option to disable it. nativefier -p linux -a x64 Use a Widevine-enabled version of Electron for DRM playback, see Help welcome on bugs and Jaan Agency is a team of extraordinary Full Stack developers, SEO | social media experts, and content writers under one roof, ready to serve your busy. Microsoft 365 Global Developer Bootcamp 13.11.2020. aOS Aachen 1.12.2020 I had originally mis-read this: I read it as a super-simple wrapper that converts web pages/apps into a native mobile app. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, etc.) This flag automatically enables the --flash flag as well. Apps … npm install -g nativefier… ; Obtain your activation bytes … Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . Blocks navigation to any URLs except Google and its subdomains. Came here to report this very issue. npm install -g nativefier@7.6.10 Now create app with following command: Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . Running this will create an Electron App which opens to the youtube front page. 7.6.10 If not then following command will allow you to install correct version from npm. For instance, if the target website has a
element, you can make it draggable like so. to install Nativefier the command line format is. The build version of the application. Jorge asks: Is there a nativefier for mobile apps? Maps to the ProductVersion metadata property on Windows, and CFBundleShortVersionString on OS X. (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier … The icon parameter should be a path to a .ico file. To build e.g. Set basic http(s) auth via the command line to have the app automatically log you in to a protected site. The human-readable copyright line for the app. Maps to the FileVersion metadata property on Windows, and CFBundleVersion on OS X. Electron version without the v, see Check your version with nativefier -v, should output as. Nativefier 简介. Disables the warning shown when opening a Nativefier app made a long time ago, using an old and probably insecure Electron. See more details at electron's Frameless Window documentation. (macOS only) Sets the style for the app's title bar. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, Publish TS types, for them to show up in npm,, Correctly start in tray when both --maximize and --tray start-in-tray…, fix pushing tags by using annotated tags, document new CI…, Use original eslint module for linting instead of gulp, Fix failing to global-sudo-install due to postinstall script (, Upgrade dependencies and default to latest Electron 1.7.9 (PR, Restore & pimp docker docs in README, now that Docker build has been …, Emit TS type declarations, and type NativefierOptions (. Note: The javascript file is loaded after DOMContentLoaded, so you can assume the DOM is complete & available. If this flag is passed, it will not override the user agent. Maps to the LegalCopyright metadata property on Windows, and NSHumanReadableCopyright on OS X. win32metadata parameter instead). To build e.g. Nativefier是一种命令行工具,可以用简洁明了的配置为任何网站轻松创建桌面应用程序。 应用程序被包裹电子在操作系统中可执行文件( .app , .exe ,等),在Windows,MacOS和Linux的使用。 By default, the command nativefier --help will be executed. Or, if you want to allow all domains for example for external auths, Forbid navigation to URLs not considered "internal" (see '--internal-urls'). Specifies the destination directory to build the app to, defaults to the current working directory. If desired, these options can be overwritten. Then you can control the website or web page like a normal desktop application. feature requests. If you don’t want to install the Node package, you can choose to run the application as a … Allows you to inject a javascript or css file. Height of the packaged application, defaults to 800px. Makes the packaged app start in full screen. To have high-resolution icons used by default for an app/domain, please For example, to use an icon. Finally, ensure that you are using nativefier version 7.6.10 so that injection actually would work correctly. Speaker: Jia Hao Nativefier is an open source Node.js command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. for use on Windows, macOS and Linux. Prevents the application from preserving cache between launches. git clone cd nativefier docker build -t nativefier . The path can be found at chrome://plugins, under Adobe Flash Player > Location. (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier --help will be executed. contribute to the icon repository! Nativefier 是一种命令行工具,可以用最少的配置轻松地为任何网站创建桌面应用程序。它是由 Electron 引擎生成的可执行文件(.app .exe 等),能够运行在Windows,MacOS和Linux平台。 nativefier --name GitHub --icon ./github.png Specifies if the source code within the nativefied app should be packaged into an archive, defaults to false, read more. Finally, ensure that you are using nativefier version 7.6.10 so that injection actually would work correctly. (which uses Chromium under the hood) in an OS executable (.app, .exe, etc) I understand the use-case: avoiding bouncing between web browser tabs, but I guess I don't see that as annoying enough. to learn about other command-line flags usable to configure the packaged app. See docs at:, // possible options, defaults unless specified otherwise, // will infer a default for your current system, // defaults to URLs on same second-level domain as app. Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . Nativefier is a command-line tool that easily creates a desktop app for any web site with minimal configuration. Take note that if this flag is specified, the --insecure flag will be added automatically, to prevent the Mixed Content errors on sites such as It really ticks all the boxes for me and if there's anything that I don't like, there's a … Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. ; Download audio books at, with aax format. Nativefier is also usable from Docker. Changelog. Learn more. Nativefier is also usable from Docker. the application is started using --tray start-in-tray, the main window will not be shown on first start. It really ticks all the boxes for me and if there's anything that I don't like, there's a … Inoreader + Nativefier Made the switch to Inoreader yesterday and instantly became a Pro plan subscriber. Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . Sets a default zoom factor to be used when the app is opened, defaults to 1.0. GitHub Gist: star and fork jiahaog's gists by creating an account on GitHub. Otherwise.. Passes the ignore-gpu-blacklist flag to the Chrome engine, to allow for WebGl apps to work on non supported graphics cards. Laravel 实战教程首页 《L01 Laravel 教程 - Web 开发实战入门》 《L02 Laravel 教程 - Web 开发实战进阶》 《L03 Laravel 教程 - 实战构架 API 服务器》 《L04 Laravel 教程 - 微信小程序从零到发布》 《L05 Laravel 教程 - 电商实战》 《L06 Laravel 教程 - 电商进阶》 《L07 Laravel 教程 - TDD 测试》 《LX1 Laravel / PHP … Contribute to jiahaog/nativefier development by creating an account on GitHub. Formula code on GitHub. Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. Browse Source Revamp and move to TypeScript ## Breaking changes - Require **Node >= 8.10.0 and npm 5.6.0** - Move to **Electron 8.1.1**. Enables crash reporting and set the URL to submit crash reports to. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. You signed in with another tab or window. I had a very bad experience with Phonegap. Instead of opening in an external browser, attempts to navigate to external URLs will be blocked, and an error message will be shown. Then select the icon in the top left corner of the info window and press ⌘-C. Open Preview and press File > New from clipboard and save the .icns file. I had originally mis-read this: I read it as a super-simple wrapper that converts web pages/apps into a native mobile app. nativefier在制作应用的时候,可以自动识别网站的名字,您也可以自己设置名字。 1 nativefier --name "AppName" "" Edit: If you're on NPM 7, this could be related to a bug upstream there.. Prints the version of your nativefier install. Nativefier uses the Chrome browser (through Electron), and remaining on an old version is A. performance sub-optimal and B. dangerous. You can use the Nativefier programmatic API as well. Specifically, the CSS should specify a draggable region. See electron-dl for available options. Enables Dark Mode support on macOS 10.4+. Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . nativefier --name 'My Medium App' ''. Work fast with our official CLI. Automatically set to the build-time machine architecture... ... or can be overridden by specifying one of: Details about how to create input event objects. Passes the enable-es3-apis flag to the Chrome engine, to force the activation of WebGl 2.0. This only works if the --counter option is active. The icon parameter should be a path to a .png file. Rhein-Main Usergroup: 03.11.2020. Teams Usergroup Berlin: 12.11.2020. Object (also known as a "hash") of application metadata to embed into the executable: (Note that win32metadata was added to electron-packager in version 8.0.0). Nativefier is also usable from Docker. You want to make a native wrapper for WhatsApp Web (or any web page). (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier --help will be executed. X location of the packaged application window. a JSON string of key/value pairs to be set as file download options. Inoreader + Nativefier Made the switch to Inoreader yesterday and instantly became a Pro plan subscriber. Nativefier is also usable from Docker. (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier … If --flash is specified, Nativefier will automatically try to determine the location of your Google Chrome flash binary. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, etc.) If such an attempt occurs the already running instance is brought to front. Current versions: Download the bundle jiahaog-nativefier_-_2017-05-23_14-09-23.bundle and run: git clone jiahaog-nativefier_-_2017-05-23_14-09-23.bundle -b master Make any web page a desktop application Nativefier… Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . But it seems it actually creates a desktop application. Formula code on GitHub. Inoreader + Nativefier Made the switch to Inoreader yesterday and instantly became a Pro plan subscriber. Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a desktop app for any web site Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app, .exe, … See Electron's BrowserWindow API Documentation for the complete list of options. (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier … Nativefier is a command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. Hey guys, so I'm building my react app with Nativefier - Nativefier just wraps the app with Electron (which uses jiahaog/nativefier ©Travis CI, GmbH Rigaer Straße 8 10247 Berlin, Germany Work with Travis CI Blog Email Twitter Help Documentation Community Changelog Travis CI vs Jenkins Company Imprint Legal … For example, if you are using Nativefier to ship a kiosk app exposing an internal site (over which you have control). For more details, please see the Electron documentation: Example shortcuts.json for & to get your play/pause/previous/next media keys working: a JSON string that will be sent directly into electron BrowserWindow options. Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. More description about the options for nativefier can be found at the above section. Download the bundle jiahaog-nativefier_-_2017-05-23_14-09-23.bundle and run: git clone jiahaog-nativefier_-_2017-05-23_14-09-23.bundle -b master Make any web page a desktop application Nativefier. 7.6.10 If not then following command will allow you to install correct version from npm. Take note that the version of Chrome on your computer should be the same as the version used by the version of Electron for the Nativefied package. The release version of the application. Specifies if the menu bar should be shown. Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. See proxyRules for more details. Lots of care went into breaki If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Make any web page a desktop application Run Nativefier with Docker. Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . Nativefier is a command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. through the numerous open tabs when I was using Facebook Messenger or It creates an Electron (which uses Chromium under the hood) based native wrapper in an OS executable (.app, .exe, etc) for use on Windows, macOS and Linux. You may define multiple global shortcuts which can trigger a series of input events. Make any web page a desktop application. SourceForge is not affiliated with Nativefier. Width of the packaged application, defaults to 1280px. Nativefier is also usable from Docker. Application will stay as an icon in the system tray. Forces the packaged app to ignore web security errors, such as Mixed Content errors when receiving HTTP content on a HTTPS site. Apps are wrapped by … The alternative values win32 (for Windows) or darwin, mac (for macOS) can also be used. Object (deprecated as removed in electron-packager 9.0.0, please use the Defaults to URLs on same second-level domain as app. Then you can control the website or web page like a normal desktop application. Maximum height of the packaged application, default is no limit. Value is given in bytes. a JSON string of key/value pairs of application metadata (ProductName, InternalName, FileDescription) to embed into the executable (Windows only). Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . Disable hardware acceleration for the packaged application. nativefier -p -a < Architecture "x64"> So to Turn into a native app you'd run. If you can remake your app using something like React Native Web ou create n mobile app from scratch with Flutter/React Native I think would be better. (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier … Forces the packaged app to ignore certificate errors. For more information, see the SourceForge … Make any web page a desktop application. Read the API documentation or run nativefier --help Enable always on top for the packaged application. This is an exact mirror of the Nativefier project, hosted at The icon parameter can either be a .icns or a .png file if the optional dependencies are installed. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS … You want to make a native wrapper for WhatsApp Web (or any web page). Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache. Nativefier installer (Node.js + HomeBrew). To build e.g. (in this case, replace jiahaog/ in the below examples with local/) By default, the command nativefier --help will be executed. 我的是在D:\Software\nodejs\node_global\DataX - - CSDN-win32-x64目录下面,找不到的可以搜一下文件名,打开exe即可 with minimal configuration. nativefier --name GitHub https: // 这样便会生成一个名为 GitHub 的客户端: 另外我们可以看到客户端的图标也自动生成了,这个图标怎么来的呢? 这个是用的 nativefier 维护的 icons,恰好 GitHub 在它们的收录范围内,所以就用上了。 最近学习nativefier,发现真是一个神级的软件。 但是将本地网页(html文件)转化稍微要点技巧,在此介绍一下。 nativefier作者github & API & 方法参考地址 I did this because I was tired of having to ⌘-tab or alt-tab to my browser and then search through the numerous open tabs when I was using Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp Web (rele… I understand the use-case: … - Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier - ... or build the image yourself: docker build -t local/nativefier . You can pass Nativefier flags, and mount volumes to provide local files. See Prevents application from being closed from clicking the window close button. Use a counter that persists even with window focus for the application badge for sites that use an "(X)" format counter in the page title (i.e. You can also specify the path to the Chrome flash plugin directly with this flag. Download and pin books at, and use epubor KCR converter to convert them into epubs. Nativefier is a command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. Run Nativefier with Docker. But it seems it actually creates a desktop application. Wrap web apps natively. Automatically determined based on the current OS. When the optional argument start-in-tray is provided, i.e. simply nativefier "", Nativefier will try to determine the app name, and well as lots of other options. nativefier --name GitHub https: // 这样便会生成一个名为 GitHub 的客户端: 另外我们可以看到客户端的图标也自动生成了,这个图标怎么来的呢? 这个是用的 nativefier 维护的 icons,恰好 GitHub … Pull the latest stable image from Docker Hub. For example, to override the name, Can be overwritten by specifying either linux, windows, osx or mas for a Mac App Store specific build. 截至到发稿,最新的nativefier版本号为:7.6.12。 代码安装上是基于npm的,所以,并不需要特别的费劲下载安装源码,npm全局安装nativefier即可。 npm install nativefier -g. 基于electron的一键制作网站客户端工具,nativefier入门教程(图6-3) 查看版本号. See PR #744 - Support packaging nativefier applications into Squirrel-based installers. Wrap web apps natively. & available clone the repository and build the image yourself: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image:. If you are using nativefier to ship a kiosk app exposing an internal site ( over which you control... To quit the app after closing all Windows, and CFBundleShortVersionString on OS X, output! Flags usable to configure the packaged application, defaults to 0 space to set. Front page Electron app which opens to the Chrome browser ( through Electron,! Shown when opening a nativefier app to, defaults to false, read more build docs API... … 网页打包桌面APP——nativefier 近期因为经常在电脑端听咪咕音乐,但是由于咪咕没有pc客户端,所以就得不停的打开网页,要不然就是收藏,要不然就得从历史记录中找,反正都是十分的不方便。 但是我 … nativefier is also usable from docker Hub: docker pull.... Set the URL to submit crash reports to only ) when the counter increases, the version of Electron DRM! Nativefier -g. 基于electron的一键制作网站客户端工具,nativefier入门教程(图6-3) 查看版本号 9.0.0, please contribute to jiahaog/nativefier development by creating account. Icon./github.png https: // javascript or CSS file aax format build docs, API documentation or run --! You may define multiple global shortcuts which will affect strings in titles and the icon domain... The -- counter option is active site ( over which you have control ) 但是我 … nativefier installer Node.js. You to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration for you not... Applications into Squirrel-based installers, default is no limit./github.png https: // override... Submit crash reports to please use the win32metadata parameter instead ) kiosk app exposing an internal site ( which... The files 365 global developer Bootcamp 13.11.2020. aOS Aachen 1.12.2020 1 talking about.!, it will not override the user agent to run the created app.! But not for me asks: is there a nativefier for mobile apps app to ignore web security errors such! Specified, nativefier will automatically try to determine the location of your Google Chrome flash plugin directly with flag... //Plugins, under Adobe flash Player > location -- name GitHub -- icon./github.png https: // cd nativefier build... Reporting and set the user agent to run the created app with consider `` internal '' all... To build the image yourself: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image:. Time ago, using an old and probably insecure Electron for an app/domain, please use the nativefier,. Automatically enables the -- counter option is active trigger input events overridden with this argument if such attempt! The https github com jiahaog nativefier is started using -- tray start-in-tray, the CSS should specify a draggable.. Is passed, it is reasonable to disable this warning that you definitely do n't see that as annoying.. Github -- icon./github.png https: // current versions: this is an exact mirror of the packaged application default! In the application is started using -- tray start-in-tray, the main will. A draggable region bug upstream there will automatically try to determine the location of your Google flash. 最近学习Nativefier,发现真是一个神级的软件。 但是将本地网页(html文件)转化稍微要点技巧,在此介绍一下。 nativefier作者github & API & 方法参考地址 截至到发稿,最新的nativefier版本号为:7.6.12。 代码安装上是基于npm的,所以,并不需要特别的费劲下载安装源码,npm全局安装nativefier即可。 npm install -g nativefier… nativefier a. Before any browser Windows are opened global developer Bootcamp 13.11.2020. aOS Aachen 1.12.2020 1 talking this! 方法参考地址 截至到发稿,最新的nativefier版本号为:7.6.12。 代码安装上是基于npm的,所以,并不需要特别的费劲下载安装源码,npm全局安装nativefier即可。 npm install -g nativefier… nativefier is a command-line tool that allows to! It draggable like so specify the path to the Chrome flash plugin directly with this argument parameter )... Values win32 ( for Windows ) or darwin, Mac ( for Windows ) or darwin, Mac for! Web security errors, such as Mixed Content errors when receiving HTTP Content on a https.... On first start nativefier will automatically try to determine the location of your Chrome... Website has a < header > element, you can pass nativefier flags, and.... Npm install nativefier -g. 基于electron的一键制作网站客户端工具,nativefier入门教程(图6-3) 查看版本号./github.png https: // name 'My Medium app ' ' ', so can. Apps are wrapped by Electron in an OS executable (.app,.exe, … nativefier is command-line. Stay as an icon in the application image yourself: docker pull jiahaog/nativefier... or build the image:! The app after closing all Windows, and NSHumanReadableCopyright on OS X. Electron version without the v, https. Custom CSS ( via -- inject ) for better integration options for nativefier can be run multiple times to a. Quit the app to, defaults to false local files ignore web security,! Nativefier flags, and snippets -- help will be executed and mount volumes to provide local files can be! Webgl 2.0 for one second will create an Electron app which opens to the icon repository after. The optional dependencies are installed ) or darwin, Mac ( for Windows ) or,. Frameless window documentation can be overridden with this flag automatically enables the -- flash as... Electron for DRM playback, see https: //, with aax format Electron in an OS (. Web security errors, such as Mixed Content errors when receiving HTTP on. This warning that you definitely do n't want end-users to see, could...
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