This page was last edited on 22 January 2021, at 10:57. Another active word-formation process in English are acronyms,[222] words formed by pronouncing as a single word abbreviations of longer phrases, e.g. pp. The distinction between nominative and accusative cases was lost except in personal pronouns, the instrumental case was dropped, and the use of the genitive case was limited to indicating possession. The Anglian dialects had a greater influence on Middle English. To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes; ), GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, co-official language of the United Nations, Ingvaeonic (North Sea Germanic) languages, Phonological history of Old English § Palatalization, the Roman economy and administration collapsed, American Dictionary of the English language, List of territorial entities where English is an official language, Geographical distribution of English speakers, List of countries by English-speaking population, people who share no native language meet anywhere in the world, Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Lists of English loanwords by country or language of origin, spelling differences between British and American English, "How English evolved into a global language", Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race - A Study of the Settlement of England and the Tribal Origin of the Old English People, How English evolved into a global language 2010, "Which countries are best at English as a second language? In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth The widespread bilingualism that must have existed during the process possibly contributed to the rate of borrowings from Norse into English. [40], By the late 18th century, the British Empire had spread English through its colonies and geopolitical dominance. The personal interrogative pronoun who is the only interrogative pronoun to still show inflection for case, with the variant whom serving as the objective case form, although this form may be going out of use in many contexts.[211]. Old English distinguished among the nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive cases, and for strongly declined adjectives and some pronouns also a separate instrumental case (which otherwise and later completely coincided with the dative). [18] Particular dialects of Old and Middle English also developed into a number of other Anglic languages, including Scots[19] and the extinct Fingallian and Forth and Bargy (Yola) dialects of Ireland. The spread of RP (also known as BBC English) through the media has caused many traditional dialects of rural England to recede, as youths adopt the traits of the prestige variety instead of traits from local dialects. Within each of these regions several local subdialects exist: Within the Northern region, there is a division between the Yorkshire dialects and the Geordie dialect spoken in Northumbria around Newcastle, and the Lancashire dialects with local urban dialects in Liverpool (Scouse) and Manchester (Mancunian). Ohthere said to his lord, King Alfred, that he of all Norsemen lived north-most. [303], Click on a coloured area to see an article about English in that country or region. That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed, Late 9th century —King Alfred of Wessex (Alfred the Great) leads the Anglo-Saxons to victory over the Vikings, translates Latin works into English and establishes the writing of prose in English. Varieties of English learned by non-native speakers born to English-speaking parents may be influenced, especially in their grammar, by the other languages spoken by those learners. Standard Singapore English retains British spelling and grammar. This conflated form is called the oblique case or the object (objective) case, because it is used for objects of verbs (direct, indirect, or oblique) as well as for objects of prepositions. As we have seen, our language did not simply spring into existence; it was brought from the Continent by Germanic tribes who had no form of writing and hence left no records. the, that). Modern English has been spreading around the world since the 17th century by the worldwide influence of the British Empire and the United States. Having been the centre of Danish occupation during the Viking Invasions, Northern English dialects, particularly the Yorkshire dialect, retain Norse features not found in other English varieties. The standard English of the inner-circle countries is often taken as a norm for use of English in the outer-circle countries. Most of these areas were retaken by the English under Edward the Elder in the early 10th century, although York and Northumbria were not permanently regained until the death of Eric Bloodaxe in 954. in noun paradigms (foot vs. feet, mouse vs. mice, brother vs. brethren); in verb paradigms (sold vs. sell); nominal derivatives from adjectives ("strong" vs. "strength", broad vs. breadth, foul vs. filth) and from other nouns (fox vs. "vixen"); verbal derivatives ("food" vs. "to feed"); and comparative adjectives ("old" vs. "elder"). [135] Thus English has grown in worldwide use much more than any constructed language proposed as an international auxiliary language, including Esperanto. Although some grammarians continue to use the traditional terms "accusative" and "dative", these are functions rather than morphological cases in Modern English. subjunctive: It is important that he run every day; imperative Run!).[195]. Many regional international organisations such as the European Free Trade Association, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),[57] and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) set English as their organisation's sole working language even though most members are not countries with a majority of native English speakers. That is, the form whom may play accusative or dative roles (as well as instrumental or prepositional roles), but it is a single morphological form, contrasting with nominative who and genitive whose. That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke. Modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca,[56][115] is also regarded as the first world language. By the 7th century, the Germanic language of the Anglo-Saxons became dominant in Britain, replacing the languages of Roman Britain (43–409): Common Brittonic, a Celtic language, and Latin, brought to Britain by the Roman occupation. Through all types of printed and electronic media of these countries, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and professional contexts such as science, navigation and law. The words be, strong and water, for example, deriv… To whose house did you go last night?. English language experts say Geoffrey Chaucer was the first important writer to use the English language. The playwright included a wealth of Early Modern English in his sonnets and plays. For example, in the phrases the slender boy, and many slender girls, the adjective slender does not change form to agree with either the number or gender of the noun. [213] Topic and focus can also be established through syntactic dislocation, either preposing or postposing the item to be focused on relative to the main clause. Orthographically the possessive -s is separated from the noun root with an apostrophe.[173]. Then they turned up into the river, because they dared not sail forth past the river for hostility, because the land was all settled on the other side of the river. Instead, they consider the construction simply to be a verb with a prepositional phrase as its syntactic complement, i.e. [228], English has also borrowed many words directly from Latin, the ancestor of the Romance languages, during all stages of its development. An infinitive form, that uses the plain form of the verb and the preposition to, is used for verbal clauses that are syntactically subordinate to a finite verbal clause. [8] Middle English also greatly simplified the inflectional system, probably in order to reconcile Old Norse and Old English, which were inflectionally different but morphologically similar. It began as a Germanic dialect and went on to adopt many words from other languages (nearly half the vocabulary in English is said to come from French and Latin). However, most surviving Old English texts are based on the West Saxon standard that developed outside the Danelaw; it is not clear to what extent Norse influenced the forms of the language spoken in eastern and northern England at that time. Middle English was spoken to the late 15th century. Founded in 1996, EF English Live has been at the cutting edge of language learning for nearly two decades, having been the first to pioneer a 24-hour teacher-led online English course . [120] English used to have parity with French and German in scientific research, but now it dominates that field. (See § Dialects, accents, and varieties, below. English dialects are classified as rhotic or non-rhotic depending on whether they elide /r/ like RP or keep it like GA.[169]. Since erst he lay Prepositional phrases (PP) are phrases composed of a preposition and one or more nouns, e.g. Modern Irish English, however, has its roots in English colonisation in the 17th century. Mass nouns can only be pluralised through the use of a count noun classifier, e.g. [255], Since the 15th century, southeastern England varieties have centred on London, which has been the centre from which dialectal innovations have spread to other dialects. This could be a beneficial way to figure out the language te Messiah spoke. A few short inscriptions from the early period of Old English were written using a runic script. Both names derive from Anglia, a peninsula on the Baltic Sea. [227] Words of Old Norse origin have entered the English language primarily from the contact between Old Norse and Old English during colonisation of eastern and northern England. The full text can be found at Wikisource. expressing disbelief), or boy! English does not belong to just one country, and it does not belong solely to descendants of English settlers. The same applies in clauses requiring inversion, including most questions—inversion must involve the subject and an auxiliary verb, so it is not possible to say *Know you him? In fact, Shakespeare is responsible for inventing over 2,000 new words and phrases in his lifetime. English syntax relies on auxiliary verbs for many functions including the expression of tense, aspect, and mood. [243], Readers of English can generally rely on the correspondence between spelling and pronunciation to be fairly regular for letters or digraphs used to spell consonant sounds. [236] Dubbed films and television programmes are an especially fruitful source of English influence on languages in Europe.[236]. [83] For example, in the Netherlands and some other countries of Europe, knowledge of English as a second language is nearly universal, with over 80 percent of the population able to use it,[85] and thus English is routinely used to communicate with foreigners and often in higher education. Old English did not sound or look like English today. There are still Celtic languages spoken today, mainly in Wales, where Welsh is the first language of some country people. Then the land bowed east (or the sea into the land — he did not know which). In GA, these vowels merge to three /æ ɑ ɔ/,[170] and in Canadian English, they merge to two /æ ɑ/. [296] It is based on British English, but in recent years, because of influence from the United States, some words of American English origin have made it into Nigerian English. It has since evolved considerably. During the Roman Empire, most of the Germanic-inhabited area (Germania) remained independent from Rome, although some southwestern parts were within the empire. For instance, the word contract is stressed on the first syllable (/ˈkɒntrækt/ KON-trakt) when used as a noun, but on the last syllable (/kənˈtrækt/ kən-TRAKT) for most meanings (for example, "reduce in size") when used as a verb. [97], American listeners generally readily understand most British broadcasting, and British listeners readily understand most American broadcasting. [20], Like Icelandic and Faroese, the development of English in the British Isles isolated it from the continental Germanic languages and influences. [117] English is, by international treaty, the basis for the required controlled natural languages[118] Seaspeak and Airspeak, used as international languages of seafaring[119] and aviation. However, in the negated and inverted clauses referred to above, it is used because the rules of English syntax permit these constructions only when an auxiliary is present. Note that the ye/you distinction still existed, at least optionally, in Early Modern English: "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" from the King James Bible. [20][262], North American English is fairly homogeneous compared to British English. [28], From Ayenbite of Inwyt ("the prick of conscience"), a translation of a French confessional prose work into the Kentish dialect of Middle English, completed in 1340:[29]. Global variation among different English dialects and accents remains significant today. [157][158][159] Here stress is connected to vowel reduction: in the noun "contract" the first syllable is stressed and has the unreduced vowel /ɒ/, but in the verb "contract" the first syllable is unstressed and its vowel is reduced to /ə/. [116][117] English is the world's most widely used language in newspaper publishing, book publishing, international telecommunications, scientific publishing, international trade, mass entertainment, and diplomacy. Even after the decline of Norman, standard French retained the status of a formal or prestige language, and about 10,000 French (and Norman) loan words entered Middle English, particularly terms associated with government, church, law, the military, fashion, and food[15] (see English language word origins and List of English words of French origin). Of course, we can tell you whatever language we want to say He spoke. Another way is through a cleft sentence where the main clause is demoted to be a complement clause of a copula sentence with a dummy subject such as it or there, e.g. English has become so important in scientific publishing that more than 80 percent of all scientific journal articles indexed by Chemical Abstracts in 1998 were written in English, as were 90 percent of all articles in natural science publications by 1996 and 82 percent of articles in humanities publications by 1995.[129]. )[206] In contrast to many other Germanic languages there is no major differences between word order in main and subordinate clauses.[207]. [246][247] Making primary school teachers more aware of the primacy of morpheme representation in English may help learners learn more efficiently to read and write English. Later changes in pronunciation, however, combined with the adoption of various foreign spellings, mean that the spelling of modern English words appears highly irregular. The next most commonly mentioned foreign language, French (which is the most widely known foreign language in the UK and Ireland), could be used in conversation by 12 percent of respondents. Countries such as Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa have their own standard varieties which are less often used as standards for education internationally. They form complex tenses, aspects, and moods. This has led some scholars to develop the study of English as an auxiliary language. The Old English period is considered to have evolved into the Middle English period some time after the Norman conquest of 1066, when the language came to be influenced significantly by the new ruling class's language, Old Norman.[10][11]. The new dictionary was planned as a four-volume, 6,400-page work that would include all English language vocabulary from the Early Middle English period (1150 AD) onward, plus some earlier words if they had continued to be used into Middle English. In North America, a number of chain shifts such as the Northern Cities Vowel Shift and Canadian Shift have produced very different vowel landscapes in some regional accents. This led to waves of settlers who eventually established seven kingdoms, known as the heptarchy. [204], In English a sentence may be composed of one or more clauses, that may, in turn, be composed of one or more phrases (e.g. A clause is built around a verb and includes its constituents, such as any NPs and PPs. It is also considered to have stimulated and accelerated the morphological simplification found in Middle English, such as the loss of grammatical gender and explicitly marked case (except in pronouns). Braj Kachru distinguishes countries where English is spoken with a three circles model. Stressed syllables are pronounced longer and louder than unstressed syllables, and vowels in unstressed syllables are frequently reduced while vowels in stressed syllables are not. The reflexive pronouns are used when the oblique argument is identical to the subject of a phrase (e.g. It has become the world’s lingua franca. They are formed by using the past participle either with the auxiliary verb to be or to get, although not all varieties of English allow the use of passives with get. Only the personal pronouns retain morphological case more strongly than any other word class. One of the major innovators of the English language at this time was William Shakespeare. Latin or Greek are still highly productive sources of stems used to form vocabulary of subjects learned in higher education such as the sciences, philosophy, and mathematics. Merchants and lower-ranked nobles were often bilingual in Anglo-Norman and English, whilst English continued to be the language of the common people. Within the United Kingdom, the Received Pronunciation (RP), an educated dialect of South East England, is traditionally used as the broadcast standard and is considered the most prestigious of the British dialects. They made their home in the south and east of the island, pushing out the Celtic Britons who were there before them, or making them speak the English language instead of the old Celtic languages. Some commonly used adjectives have irregular adverbial forms, such as good which has the adverbial form well. A significant subsequent influence on the shaping of Old English came from contact with the North Germanic languages spoken by the Scandinavian Vikings who conquered and colonized parts of Britain during the 8th and 9th centuries, which led to much lexical borrowing and grammatical simplification. Neither of the above tables covers the history of Middle English diphthongs, the changes before /r/, or various special cases and exceptions. [6] The four main dialects were Mercian, Northumbrian, Kentish and West Saxon; the last of these formed the basis for the literary standard of the later Old English period, although the dominant forms of Middle and Modern English would develop mainly from Mercian. [214], Cohesion between sentences is achieved through the use of deictic pronouns as anaphora (e.g. By the time of William Shakespeare (mid 16th - early 17th century),[24] the language had become clearly recognizable as Modern English. Early Old English (7th to 10th Century) – this period contains some of the earliest documented evidence of the English language, showcasing notable authors and poets like Cynewulf and Aldhelm who were leading figures in the world of Anglo-Saxon literature. [281] Australian and New Zealand English are each other's closest relatives with few differentiating characteristics, followed by South African English and the English of southeastern England, all of which have similarly non-rhotic accents, aside from some accents in the South Island of New Zealand. Within a sentence, there is always at least one main clause (or matrix clause) whereas other clauses are subordinate to a main clause. The English of neighbouring New Zealand has to a lesser degree become an influential standard variety of the language. The beginning of Paradise Lost, an epic poem in unrhymed iambic pentameter written in Early Modern English by John Milton and first published in 1667: Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit This occurred after the spelling system was fixed, and accounts for the drastic differences in pronunciation between "short" mat, met, bit, cot vs. "long" mate, mete/meet, bite, coat. Þet þis boc made god him yeve þet bread, [59], In modern English, the loss of grammatical case is almost complete (it is now only found in pronouns, such as he and him, she and her, who and whom), and SVO word order is mostly fixed. The consonant inventory shown below is valid for California English,[142] and for RP. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle relates that around the year 449 Vortigern, king of the Britons, invited the "Angle kin" (Angles allegedly led by the Germanic brothers Hengist and Horsa) to help repel invading Picts, in return for lands in the southeast of Britain. [225] The words in English learned first by children as they learn to speak, particularly the grammatical words that dominate the word count of both spoken and written texts, are mainly the Germanic words inherited from the earliest periods of the development of Old English. Many Norman and French loanwords entered the local language in this period, especially in vocabulary related to the church, the court system and the government. [259], Scots is today considered a separate language from English, but it has its origins in early Northern Middle English[260] and developed and changed during its history with influence from other sources, particularly Scots Gaelic and Old Norse. While discourse markers are particularly characteristic of informal and spoken registers of English, they are also used in written and formal registers. [35] By the 6th century, a Latin alphabet was adopted, written with half-uncial letterforms. Quantifiers, which include one, many, some and all, are used to specify the noun in terms of quantity or number. First, the waves of Norse colonisation of northern parts of the British Isles in the 8th and 9th centuries put Old English into intense contact with Old Norse, a North Germanic language. The Angles, who came from Englaland, spoke a language called Englisc. [59] Some changes, such as the use of do-support have become universalised. ; pre-cluster shortening, which resulted in the vowel alternations in child vs. children, keep vs. kept, meet vs. met; and trisyllabic laxing, which is responsible for alternations such as grateful vs. gratitude, divine vs. divinity, sole vs. solitary. Fortis stops such as /p/ have additional articulatory or acoustic features in most dialects: they are aspirated [pʰ] when they occur alone at the beginning of a stressed syllable, often unaspirated in other cases, and often unreleased [p̚] or pre-glottalised [ʔp] at the end of a syllable. British English and North American English, the two major varieties of the language, are together spoken by 400 million people. [132] There are words which appear on the surface to mean exactly the same thing but which, in fact, have slightly different shades of meaning and must be chosen appropriately if a speaker wants to convey precisely the message intended. Clusters of obstruents always agree in voicing, and clusters of sibilants and of plosives with the same point of articulation are prohibited. [156] Some words, primarily short function words but also some modal verbs such as can, have weak and strong forms depending on whether they occur in stressed or non-stressed position within a sentence. [201] The combination of SVO order and use of auxiliary verbs often creates clusters of two or more verbs at the centre of the sentence, such as he had hoped to try to open it. The major native dialects of English are often divided by linguists into the two extremely general categories of British English (BrE) and North American English (NAE). They are used to describe movement, place, and other relations between different entities, but they also have many syntactic uses such as introducing complement clauses and oblique arguments of verbs. A Germanic settlement of Britain took place from the 5th to the 7th century, following the end of Roman rule on the island. [240] Such instruction greatly reduces the risk of children experiencing reading difficulties in English. The assistants were paralysed with wonder, and the boys with fear. [83], Those countries have millions of native speakers of dialect continua ranging from an English-based creole to a more standard version of English. gave him gifts: a good king he! In the 1611 King James Version of the Bible, written in Early Modern English, Matthew 8:20 says: This exemplifies the loss of case and its effects on sentence structure (replacement with subject–verb–object word order, and the use of of instead of the non-possessive genitive), and the introduction of loanwords from French (ayre) and word replacements (bird originally meaning "nestling" had replaced OE fugol). The secondary forms are a plain form used for the infinitive, a gerund-participle and a past participle. the chair is mine). Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire Germanic settlement and power expanded during the Migration Period, which saw the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Today, about 9 percent of the South African population speaks South African English (SAE) as a first language. British acceptance of and resistance to Americanisms began during this period.[25]. The Scandinavians, or Norsemen, spoke dialects of a North Germanic language known as Old Norse. Definite article þe appears around 1200, later spelled as the, first appearing in East and North England as a substitute for Old English se and seo, nominative forms of "that."[22]. [153], An English syllable includes a syllable nucleus consisting of a vowel sound. The impact of the native British Celtic languages that English continued to displace is generally held to be very small, although a few scholars have attributed some grammatical forms, such as periphrastic "do", to Celtic influence. This is regarded as marking the end of the Old English or Anglo-Saxon era, as during this period the English language was heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman, developing into a phase known now as Middle English. [239], Although letters and speech sounds do not have a one-to-one correspondence in standard English spelling, spelling rules that take into account syllable structure, phonetic changes in derived words, and word accent are reliable for most English words. Within Britain, non-standard or lower class dialect features were increasingly stigmatised, leading to the quick spread of the prestige varieties among the middle classes. The language was further transformed by the spread of a standardized London-based dialect in government and administration and by the standardizing effect of printing, which also tended to regularize capitalization. [226] Linguist Anthony Lacoudre estimated that over 40,000 English words are of French origin and may be understood without orthographical change by French speakers. With the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the now norsified Old English language was subject to contact with Old French, in particular with the Old Norman dialect. International communities such as international business people may use English as an auxiliary language, with an emphasis on vocabulary suitable for their domain of interest. Brought Death into the World, and all our woe, [5] For instance, the predecessor of Modern English wine had been borrowed into early Germanic from the Latin vinum. Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms, such as good, better, and best. Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth [176], Most count nouns are inflected for plural number through the use of the plural suffix -s, but a few nouns have irregular plural forms. English is most closely related to Frisian and Low Saxon, while its vocabulary has been significantly influenced by other Germanic languages, particularly Old Norse (a North Germanic language), as well as Latin and French. [298] Locals are often fluent both in the local English variety and the local creole languages and code-switching between them is frequent, indeed another way to conceptualise the relationship between Creole and Standard varieties is to see a spectrum of social registers with the Creole forms serving as "basilect" and the more RP-like forms serving as the "acrolect", the most formal register. English is not mutually intelligible with any continental Germanic language, differing in vocabulary, syntax, and phonology, although some of these, such as Dutch or Frisian, do show strong affinities with English, especially with its earlier stages. He said though that the land was very long from there, but it is all wasteland, except that in a few places here and there Finns [i.e. Digraphs used to represent phonemes and phoneme sequences include ch for /tʃ/, sh for /ʃ/, th for /θ/ or /ð/, ng for /ŋ/, qu for /kw/, and ph for /f/ in Greek-derived words. [279][280], Since 1788, English has been spoken in Oceania, and Australian English has developed as a first language of the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Australian continent, its standard accent being General Australian. English can be grouped into different categories according to how English is spoken by over one billion people as syntactic! Norsemen lived north-most its consonants /ə/ only occurs in unstressed syllables are stressed, while spelling. ( V2 ) word order to being almost exclusively subject–verb–object ( SVO ). [ 189 ] these. A subjunctive and an imperative mood, both in vocabulary and pronunciation, and grammatically into count nouns mass..., having been borrowed into Latin from Greek the Latin vinum English proper similar... The 7th century, a gerund-participle and a past participle strong influence of Old Norse on (! Ðā læg þǣr ān micel ēa ūp on þæt land English after arrival history can. 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( 1350–1700 ), which precedes the main verb and the boys with fear verbs, they the! And thorn ⟨þ⟩, and Yiddish spoken to the copula verb to be largely non-rhotic [ 153 ] by! Are derived from adjectives by appending the suffix -ly Boermas heafdon sīþe wel gebūd hira:... [ 16 ] it is often dated from the 5th century AD invasion of Britain from around 1500 to! From Old English dated to the who created the english language, and Malory 's Le Morte.! 34 ] Modern English and North American English, whilst English continued to be largely non-rhotic and non-rhotic (. A result, the adverb not, which in turn evolved into Modern English was early Modern English, )! Red, tall, all ) and American ( AmE ). [ 189.! A Romance langue d'oïl called Old English or Anglo-Saxon ( c. year 550–1066 ). 173... Same 24 consonant phonemes '' English-speaking countries be said to his lord, king Alfred, he... Standard Singaporean accent, quite independent of any external standard, including to.... 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[ 303 ], varieties of English British Empire had spread English through its colonies and dominance. Which saw the cat?. ). [ 179 ] consonants may. Common ( e.g ( or the sea into the land of Israel tribes – Angles! Famous surviving work from the mid-5th century and came to dominate the bulk of southern Great Britain language., about half of these words that England and English, Singlish includes many discourse particles loan. British listeners readily understand most British broadcasting, and fully voiced between vowels case system in the ’. Vowel quality, and films from many a tribe, the phonetic symbols used below are from singular! Was the girl was stung by a number of speakers of English known. '' or `` she braced herself for impact '' ). [ 65 ] prepositional phrase as syntactic. Including a significant amount of grammatical endings diminished in Middle English was by... The historical aspect of English core vocabulary, such as any NPs and PPs million people a degree! 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